2024 video Reel for VK Visualz
2024 video resume
Event Recaps
YB Normal speaks at Disney World to Educators
Bryon Speaks at ATL GA to educators at the GABS confrence
Client Reels
Client Reel form a event client spoke at
Client Reel from client speaking at event
Client Speaking event and added Broll to tell story
Short Films
A young man is pulled over by the cops and both lives can be affected in a blink of eye
During Quarntine a friend goes to his friend that has a money making idea and just has to get his friend to agree
A young man goes through life with a rare sleeping disorder that affects his daiy life with friends and family
A young man’s day resets every time he tells a lie before he can make it to the end of the day, he must face the consequences of actions.
Podcast with three brothers have a friend join and tell the difference in living in the US and the Italy
3 Brothers podcast about who can you trust all production done by VK Visualz
Sports Videos
Aviano Saints Football play Vicenzia High School
Aviano Basketball Team plays MMI